Nordic Ski Instructor

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Books, videos and reference material

Books, videos and reference material: [ introduction | bibliography ]

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Although this bibliography does not claim to have every Nordic ski book listed, it is a reasonably comprehensive list available to date: most of the books are available in Australia with (and sometimes without) various degrees of difficulty. Books are easily obtained by writing to the publishers, who can also provide you with a more up-to-date list. A number of the books listed below may well fit into more than one sub-heading - if this is the case, then they are placed under the heading which is most appropriate for those books.

N.B. books marked with an full circle are recommended library additions
(they are worth having in your library)

Nordic skiing - instructor manuals

  • C.A.N.S.I. The instructor's manual for teaching Nordic skiing. 1st edn. Canadian Assoc. of Nordic Ski Instructors, 1989.
  • Hall, William. ATM Nordic techniques. Professional Ski Instructors of America, 1981.
  • Hall, William. Cross-country skiing right. Harper and Row, 1985.
  • Hall, William. Teaching concepts - A.T.M.N. PSIA, 1983.
  • Main, Andrew. Nordic ski technique & instruction manual. British Association of Ski Instructors, 1987.
  • Wollzenmuller, F. Richtig skilanglaufen 1. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, 1982.

Nordic skiing - general

  • Brady, M. Nordic touring & cross-country skiing. 4th edn. Dreyers Forlag, 1977.
  • Caldwell, John. The cross-country ski book. 4th edn. Stephen Green Press, 1981.
  • Field, Paddy, & Walker, Tim. Cross-country skiing. The Crowood Press, 1987.
  • Gillette, Ned, & Dostal, John. Cross-country skiing. 3rd edn. Diadem Books, 1988.
  • Hampel, Ian. Australian cross-country skiing. Kangaroo Press, 1988.
  • Lund, Morten. The pleasures of cross-country skiing. Dutton, 1972.
  • Woodward, Bob. The cross-country ski technique book. Leisure Press, 1983.

XCD skiing

  • Barnett, Steve. Cross-country downhill - and other Nordic skiing techniques. 4th edn. Pacific Search Press, 1988.
  • English, Brad (et al.). Total telemarking. East River Publishing Company, 1984.
  • Kleppen, Halvor. Telemarkskiing - Norway's gift to the world. Det Norske Samlaget, 1986. translation by Margaret Saltveit & Margaret Wold.
  • Parker, P. Free-heel skiing. Diadem Books, 1988..

Teaching kids

  • Alderson, John. Captain Zembo's ski teaching guide for kids. PSIA, 1983.
  • Flemmen, Asbjorn, & Grosvold, Olav. Teaching children to ski. Leisure Press, 1983. from 'Ski og Skoyter' 1980 - translation by M. Brady.

Cross-country ski racing/technique

  • Bergh, Ulf. Physiology of cross-country ski racing. Human Kinetics, 1982. from 'Langdlopning, Idrottsfysiologi rapport nr. 11' 1974, translation by M. Brady.
  • Borowski, Lee. Ski faster, easier. Leisure Press, 1986.
  • Endestad, A., & Teaford, J. Skating for cross-country skiers. Leisure Press, 1987.
  • Maier, S., & Reiter, T. Cross-country skiing - racing techniques & training tips. Barron's Educational Series, 1980. translation by E. Goldman - 'Skilanglauf Heute' 1977.
  • Sharkey, Brian J. Training for cross-country ski racing. Human Kinetics, 1984.
  • The 36th International Ski Congress, Istanbul. International ski competition rules: book II (XC & Nordic combined). International Ski Federation, 1988.

Equipment and waxing

  • Brady, Michael. Cross-country ski gear. 2nd edn. The Mountaineers, 1987.
  • Brady, Michael. Waxing and care of cross-country skis. Wilderness Press, 1986.
  • Torgersen, Leif. Good glide - the science of ski waxing. Human Kinetics, 1985. from 'God Glid', H. Aschehoug & Co., 1983, translation by M. Brady.

Mind skiing

  • Ferguson, Sarah. Skiing from the inside. Simon & Schuster, 1989.
  • Gallwey, W. Timothy, & Kriegel, Bob. The inner game of skiing. Pan Books, 1987.
  • Joubert, George. Teach yourself to ski. Aspen Ski Masters, translation by Sim Thomas, 1970.
  • Lightfoot, Peter. Skiing is only a game. Fernhurst Books, 1985.
  • Loudis L., Lobitz, W, & Singer, K. Skiing out of your mind - the psychology of peak performance. Leisure Press, 1986.
  • Tejada-Flores, Lito. Breakthrough on skis. Random House, 1986.

Teaching theory

  • Highet, Gilbery. The art of teaching. Random House, 1950.
  • Moore, T.W. Educational theory: an introduction. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.
  • Pancella, J.R., Raths, J., & Van Ness, J.S. Studying teaching. Prentice-Hall, 1971.
  • Postman, N., & Weingartner, C. Teaching as a subversive activity. Delacorte, 1969.
  • Strom, Robert D. Teachers and the learning process. Prentice-Hall, 1971.

Snowcraft, navigation, and weather

  • Barton, Bob, & Wright, Blyth. A chance in a million - Scottish avalanches. Scottish Mountaineering Trust, 1985.
  • Bureau of Meteorology, Department of Administration Services. Manual of meteorology: part 1 - General meteorology. AGPS, 1988.
  • Cliff, Peter. Mountain navigation. 3rd edn. n.p., 1986.
  • Daffern, Tony. Avalanche safety for skiers and climbers. Diadem Books, 1983.
  • Dunn, J. Australian weather manual. McGraw-Hill, 1970.
  • Epp, Michael, & Lee, Stephen. Avalanche awareness for skiers and mountaineers. The Wild Side, 1987.
  • Kjellstrom, Bjorn. Be expert with map and compass. Scribner, 1976.
  • La Chapelle, E. R. The ABC of avalanche safety . 2nd edn. The Mountaineers, 1985.
  • Langmuir, Eric. Mountaincraft & leadership. Scottish Sports Council/MLTB, 1984.
  • Pedgley, David. Mountain weather - a practical guide. Cicerone Press, 1983.
  • V.B.M.T.A.B. Bushwalking & mountaincraft leadership. Victorian Department of Sport and Recreation, 1986.
  • Walker, Ken. Mountain navigation techniques. Constable, 1987.

First aid and rescue

  • Mitchell, D. Mountaineering first aid - a guide to accident response & first aid care. 2nd edn. The Mountaineers, 1984.
  • Renouf, J., & Hulse, S. First aid for hillwalkers and climbers. Cicerone Press, 1984.
  • Setnicka, T. J. Wilderness search and rescue. Appalachian Mountain Club, 1980.
  • St John Ambulance Association (Australia). Australian first aid. Ruskin Press.
  • Wilkerson, Dr. J. A. Medicine for mountaineers. 2nd edn. The Mountaineers, 1983.
  • Wilkerson, J. (ed.), Bangs, C., & Hayward, J. International mountain rescue handbook. 2nd edn, revised, Hamish MacInnes. Constable & Company, 1984.

Alpine/Nordic combined and ski mountaineering

  • Bein, Vic. Mountain skiing. The Mountaineers, 1982.
  • Cliff, Peter. Ski mountaineering. Unwin Hyman, 1987.
  • Lunn, Arnold. A history of skiing. Oxford University Press, 1927.
  • Crichton-Somerville, D.M.M., Rickmers, W.R., & Richardson, E. Ski running. 2nd edn. Horace Cox, 1907.
  • Gamma, Karl. The handbook of skiing. Pelham Books, 1981.
  • Hutchison, John. Skiing - a manual for teachers. Education Department of Victoria, 1984.
  • Tejada-Flores, Lito. Backcountry skiing. Sierra Club Books, 1981.

Alpine skiing - instructor manuals

  • Abraham, Horst. Skiing right. Johnson Books, 1983.
  • British Association of Ski Instructors. Ski technique & instruction manual: book 1. 2nd edn. British Association. of Ski Instructors, 1983.
  • British Association of Ski instructors. Ski technique & instruction manual: book 2: Advanced techniques. British Association of Ski Instructors, 1984.
  • Gaudez, Yves. Ski the French way (the official technique of the école du ski Français). Pelham Books, 1984.
  • Hoppichler, Prof. Franz. Schwingen - the official Austrian ski method. Poudre Press, 1983. 'Schwingen: Die Osterreichische Schischule' - translation by J. Pershall.
  • Joubert, George. Skiing: An art, a technique. Poudre Press, 1987.

Alpine skiing - general

  • Hurn, M. Skiing real snow - the handbook of off-piste; skiing. Crowood Press, 1987.
  • Ross, Ali. Ali Ross on skiing. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.
  • Shedden, John. Skilful skiing. EP Publishing Limited, 1983.

Books, videos and reference material: [ introduction | bibliography ]

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[ Contents | Preface | Organisation | Teaching | Techniques | Equipment | Resources | Appendices | Glossary | Index ]