The Australian Nordic Ski Instructor Manual

Instructor 2 Course outline
Appendices: [ Instructor 1 course outline | Instructor 2 course outline | Instructor 3 course outline | APSI Nordic rules and regulations | equipment size charts | snow structure | waxing tips ]
Function of an Instructor 2
- to introduce the general public to Nordic skiing.
- to provide intermediate levels of Nordic ski instruction.
- to instruct at a professional level of competence.
- to test for the Ski Australia SkiXC bronze, silver and gold award levels.
- attained an Instructor 1 qualification (or overseas equivalent), and a minimum of one season of ski instructing since such a qualification.
- applicants must be at least twenty years of age at the start of the on-snow course for which they apply.
Instructor 2 course content (five days on-snow)
- the purpose of this course is to take the candidate beyond the Instructor 1 level in all ways by expanding the knowledge gained previously.
- both teaching, and skiing skills are to be broadened, strengthened, and consolidated.
- during the Instructor 2 course, skiing skills to be taught (and tested) in addition to a review of Instructor 1 skills include: diagonal striding improvement, single-leg stride double-poling, alternate-leg stride double-poling, diagonal skating, half skating, two skating, linked telemark turning, step turning whilst crossing the fall line on a moderate slope, basic parallel turning, bumps, jumps, and dips.
- as an ability to speak knowledgeably to an interested group, both formally and informally is required at this level, lecturettes will be assigned to each candidate, to be given to the group as a whole during the course. The topics will cover aspects that an Instructor 2 should know about, and these lecturettes will form the major part of the evening lecture program.
- from the results of the exam given (see below), various topics will be chosen by the Course Director to be expanded upon, with the emphasis being on group participation (as with all elements of this course).
- in addition there will be an introduction to Instructor 3 entry skiing techniques.
- continuous feedback on teaching and skiing skills will be provided during the course.
- a closed-book exam with medium-length answers will be given prior to the course, with answers discussed at depth prior to the end of the course.
- all testing will be performed by a minimum of two APSI Nordic examiners.
- a marking scale rated one to five will be used (with comments as appropriate).
- eight skiing skills will be assessed (four flat, four slope), taken from the selection above.
- teaching assessment will be with a class of four to six volunteers.
- teaching skills will be assessed in a 40- to 90-minute period, including one flat, and one slope technique (both lessons are to be drawn from a hat the day before).
- equal time-weighting will be given to assessing both skiing and instruction skills.
- assessment of the skiing skills component will be at an Assessment Day following the Instructor 2 course. Candidates have the option of being assessed up to two seasons later if they desire.
- assessment of the instruction skills component will be at an Assessment Day following the Instructor 2 course. Candidates have the option of being assessed up to two seasons later if they desire.
Instructor 3 course entry recommendations
- the skiing skills required for entry into the Instructor 3 course will be taught during the Instructor 2 course and the Assessment Day Examiners will advise whether or not candidates are recommended for entry into the Instructor 3 course, on provision of completing the other requirements of the Instructor 3 level.
- this advice is not a pass/fail assessment for the Instructor 3 course, but rather advice on the candidate's readiness to proceed to the next APSI Nordic level.
- if a candidate is unsuccessful in any component of the course s/he may apply to re-submit for testing at a location and date advertised in the APSI Nordic program.
- the re-test must be completed within two seasons following that in which the course is attempted.
- the APSI Nordic Committee requires Instructors to notify the committee that they have completed the requirements of the Instructor 2 course and once ratified, a certificate and badge awarded.
Staffing the course
- the course will be directed by an Instructor 3.
- assisting staff will hold the Instructor 3 qualification where possible, however a suitably-trained Instructor 2 may undertake this role if required.
- a staffing ratio of one to eight or better will be maintained.
- the recommended maximum course size is sixteen candidates.
- applications will be accepted in order of receipt of payment of full course fees.
- applicants in excess of twenty-four will be advised of an alternative course or placed on a waiting list for the current course, in case of cancellations.
Appendices: [ Instructor 1 course outline | Instructor 2 course outline | Instructor 3 course outline | APSI Nordic rules and regulations | equipment size charts | snow structure | waxing tips ] |