The Australian Nordic Ski Instructor Manual

APSI Nordic rules
Appendices: [ Instructor 1 course outline | Instructor 2 course outline | Instructor 3 course outline | APSI Nordic rules and regulations | equipment size charts | snow structure | waxing tips ]
APSI Nordic rules and regulations
Please note: these may now be superceded...
- A person holding an APSI Nordic qualification is someone who has completed and passed an Australian course at the level indicated as per the certificate issued, or who has been accredited by the APSI Nordic Committee with having successfully completed an equivalent course overseas.
- Each step in the APSI Nordic is progressive and cannot be by-passed.
- The basis for exemptions from course attendance shall be on proof of a pass in an overseas course of the same or higher standard.
- To gain APSI Nordic accreditation one must:
- have qualified at the designated level by passing a course, and
- meet any further requirements as determined by the Trainers Panel, and
- be placed on the APSI Nordic computer records by registering with the APSI Nordic Committee.
- Coaches will be registered (mandatory) with the Australian Coaching Council, the fee for which is paid as part of course fees.
- Instructors are invited to register (optional) with the Australian Professional Snowsports Instructors upon payment of an annual fee.
- To maintain accreditation instructors must:
- hold APSI Nordic registration, and
- every three years (or as otherwise specified) either:
- attend an update or refresher clinic or seminar organised by the APSI Nordic, relevant to the current qualification, or
- attend an APSI Nordic course, clinic or seminar as a Trainer or Assistant Trainer, or
- attend an APSI Nordic course of the same or higher level, or
- meet any further requirements as directed by the Director.
- People may lose accreditation at the discretion of the Committee.
- Any person having gained an overseas qualification will be required to:
- show that they have current accreditation from a recognised national ski body, and may be required to pass an examination before being accredited at the designated level, and
- spend a designated period of time working with a designated APSI Nordic-accredited Instructor or Coach, as determined by the Director, to ensure that the applicant has sufficient knowledge of APSI Nordic courses, accreditation and registration policies, and to ensure that the applicant's skill levels are adequate.
- Applicants are required to submit a curriculum vitae of their involvement in Nordic ski instructing and/or coaching.
- Upon acceptance of these terms, accreditation and registration fees as determined by the APSI Nordic Committee shall be paid.
- Coach accreditation is not a compulsory requirement. Please refer to part 5 of the APSI Nordic Coach Structure document for clarification.
- Courses
- Courses are run as per Course Outlines, and are reviewed at least every four years.
- Coach courses are to be reviewed after the Winter Olympics (held every 4 years).
- Instructor courses are to be reviewed after Interski (held every 4 years).
- Any courses review sub-committee will include the Director and/or his/her nominee(s), and at least two additional persons from the Coaching and/or Trainers Panel.
- All course and/or Course Outline alterations must be approved by the Coaching and/or Trainers Panel, and ratified by the APSI Nordic Committee.
- Applicants to any course must be at least 18 years of age (or older for higher-level courses) at the time accreditation at that level is granted.
- Courses are to be staffed by at least two members of the Trainers Panel, one of whom is appointed as the Course Director.
- The Course Director must be the highest qualified and currently accredited person available, and have had at least two years experience staffing a course at that level.
- All other staff are to hold a current accreditation at a level higher than that of the course to be held, where possible.
- Examinations
- All examinations are to be conducted by at least two members of the Trainers Panel, one of whom is appointed Chief Examiner.
- The Chief Examiner must be the highest qualified and currently accredited person available, and have had at least two years experience in examining at the highest level to be examined.
- All other examiners are to hold a current accreditation at a higher level than that of the highest level to be examined, where possible.
- If an examination is to take place at the end of a course, at least one of the examiners should not have been a staff member on that course.
- Where possible, a staff member should be appointed to act as a mediator between the examiners and the candidates, and shall ensure that the process of examination is carried out efficiently, expeditiously, and fairly for all candidates. This person is not to act as an examiner, and shall not partake in the process of examination and assessment.
- The APSI Nordic Committee
- The APSI Nordic Committee is chaired by the Director, and has proportional representation from the Coaching Panel and the Trainers Panel.
- The Director of the APSI Nordic Committee shall be appointed by the members of the APSI Nordic Committee, and ratified by the Ski Australia Cross-Country Committee at its annual October meeting.
- The APSI Nordic Committee shall be fully representative of all aspects of the National Coach & Instructor Scheme and its activities and responsibilities. These are carried out by separate groups within the APSI Nordic, as indicated in the accompanying flow-chart:

- The Committee shall be responsible for:
- the overall administration of the APSI Nordic, and
- policy and future development, and
- preparation of a yearly program of activities, and
- maintaining an accurate register of graduates, and
- issuing of certificates and badges to successful candidates, and
- promoting the APSI Nordic and its courses and activities, and
- liaising with other ski bodies within Australia and overseas, and
- deciding dates and venues for APSI Nordic courses, clinics, and other activities, and
- encouraging scientific research into Nordic skiing and Nordic ski instruction, and
- promoting the use of qualified APSI Nordic graduates with Clubs, Commercial Operators, groups, etc.
- The APSI Nordic Committee consists of a minimum of four people: the Director, the National Co-ordinator, the National Coaching Director, and an elected member from the Trainers Panel.
- The APSI Nordic Committee meets at least two times per year, at a place and time agreed by those present at the current meeting.
- The APSI Nordic Committee also has representation from all levels of the APSI Nordic hierarchy, in the form of an Instructor 1 representative, an Instructor 2 or 3 representative, a Coach representative, and a Ski Tour Leader's Certificate Course representative, all to be elected by relevantly-qualified APSI Nordic members only.
- A Treasurer is elected from the APSI Nordic Committee to oversee financial accounts, at both Committee and National Co-ordinator level.
- Vacancies on the APSI Nordic Committee are filled by ballot of all accredited members where appropriate, otherwise they are filled by appointment by the Director.
- The APSI Nordic Committee may co-opt other suitably-qualified persons at its discretion, sufficient to ensure that the responsibilities of the Committee are carried out.
- The National Co-ordinator
- The National Co-ordinator shall be responsible for:
- administrating day-to-day activities of the APSI Nordic, including the setting-up of all Instructor courses, clinics, and seminars, and
- maintaining accurate records of APSI Nordic financial accounts, including a preparation of, and adherence to, a budget, and
- attendance and representation at APSI Nordic meetings, and
- answering routine enquiries about the APSI Nordic and its activities made by the general public, and
- accepting applicants for Instructor courses, and clinics, and
- promoting the APSI Nordic and its activities, and
- the APSI Nordic program distribution, and
- the maintenance of an APSI Nordic ski book library for use on all Instructor and Instructor 1 courses, and
- the preparation of printed and audio-visual material to be used during Instructor and Instructor 1 courses, and
- assisting Course Directors in administrating Instructor and Instructor 1 courses, clinics, and seminars, including the procurement and maintenance of equipment required to run Instructor and Instructor 1 courses.
- The National Co-ordinator is chosen by a selection committee from within the APSI Nordic Committee, chaired by the Director.
- If the performance of the National Co-ordinator is deemed unsatisfactory by a two-thirds majority of a sitting of the APSI Nordic Committee, and with the ratification of the Director, the position of National Co-ordinator will be vacated and put out to tender, and another suitable candidate chosen from the resultant applicants.
- The Coaching Panel
- The Coaching Panel shall be responsible for:
- course content and pass standards, and
- evaluating overseas standards, and
- the preparation of manuals and other material to be used on Coach courses, and
- the appointment of Course Directors, examiners, and other course staff, subject to ratification by the National Coaching Director, and
- coaching policy and future development, and
- preparation of a yearly program of coaching activities, and
- liaising with the Australian Coaching Council, and coaching bodies overseas, and
- deciding dates and venues for APSI Nordic Coach courses, clinics, and other activities, and
- encouraging scientific research into cross-country ski racing and new coaching developments.
- The Coaching Panel consists of a minimum of three people: the National Coaching Director, an elected Coach Level 1, and an elected Coach Level 2.
- The Coaching Panel meets at least once per year, at a place and time agreed by those present at the current meeting.
- Vacancies on the Coaching Panel are filled by ballot of all accredited Coaches where appropriate, otherwise they are filled by appointment by the National Coaching Director.
- The Coaching Panel elects a representative from within the Panel to sit on the APSI Nordic Committee as the Coach representative.
- The Coaching Panel may co-opt other suitably-qualified persons at its discretion, sufficient to ensure that the responsibilities of the Panel are carried out.
- The Coaching Director shall be responsible for, amongst other things:
- administrating day-to-day activities of the coaching arm of the APSI Nordic, including the setting-up of all Coach courses, clinics, and seminars, and
- maintaining accurate records of APSI Nordic financial accounts, including a preparation of, and adherence to, a budget, and
- answering routine enquiries about Coach courses, and
- accepting applicants for Coach courses, and
- the maintenance of an APSI Nordic ski book library for use on all Coach courses, and
- the preparation of printed and audio-visual material to be used during Coach courses, and
- assisting Course Directors in administrating Coach courses, clinics, and seminars.
- The Trainers Panel
- The Trainers Panel shall be responsible for:
- the training and assessment of candidates of all Instructor and Instructor 1 courses, and
- course content and pass standards, and
- evaluating overseas standards, and
- the preparation of manuals and other material to be used on courses, and
- the appointment of Course Directors, Examiners, and other course staff, subject to ratification by the Director.
- The Trainers Panel meets at least once per year, specifically at a Trainer's Seminar held shortly prior to the forthcoming winter's APSI Nordic courses.
- The Trainers Panel consists of a minimum of seven people: the Director, three Trainers resident in New South Wales, and three resident in Victoria.
- The Trainers Panel elects a representative from within the Panel to sit on the APSI Nordic Committee as the Trainers Panel representative.
- Vacancies on the Trainers Panel are filled by ballot of all accredited Instructor 2's and Instructor 3's where appropriate, otherwise they are filled by appointment by the Director.
- To ensure that continuity is maintained throughout courses, nominations to the Panel are taken from all interested accredited Instructor 2's and Instructor 3's, who are then invited to act as Assistant Trainers (as volunteers) until they are deemed by the Director able to act in the capacity of a full-status Trainer.
- Assistant Trainers are nominated from the general body of Instructors by the Trainers Panel to assist Trainers in the administration and running of APSI Nordic courses, with the aim of enabling them to become Trainers.
- The Trainers Panel may co-opt other suitably-qualified persons at its discretion, sufficient to ensure that the responsibilities of the Panel are carried out.
Appendices: [ Instructor 1 course outline | Instructor 2 course outline | Instructor 3 course outline | APSI Nordic rules and regulations | equipment size charts | snow structure | waxing tips ] |